JR Why you may not need shoulder surgery: Even with a bad MRI

We often get a phone call or an email from someone who has a digital shoulder MRI file that shows damage. They have been told recently, the “only way” to fix this damage is with surgery, and as we will see from the research below, the surgery may not offer the results the patient is

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JR Stem Cell Therapy for shoulder labrum repair and biceps tenodesis

Many emails that come in from this website, come from people asking about SLAP tear surgery. Some people want to know if they can avoid surgery. Some people are looking for options because they cannot get a SLAP tear surgery. Why can’t they get the surgery? Because their doctor/surgeon does not hold out good hope

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JR Platelet Rich Plasma Injections for knee osteoarthritis

While we do offer stem cell therapy for knee osteoarthritis, the focus of this article will be on Platelet-Rich Plasma Therapy. We receive many emails which ask which is the better treatment, stem cells or PRP? That answer comes best when explored on an individual basis, following a physical examination, and, when we have the

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JR Treatment of Hip Osteoarthritis with Platelet-Rich Plasma Injections

We have long used bone marrow derived stem cells and Platelet Rich Plasma injections as effective and reliable treatments for the patient with hip osteoarthritis. When a patient comes into our office, the realistic expectation of effectiveness of treatment is confirmed by a physical examination and a patient history. Following the consultation we sit down

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JR Stem Cell Therapy for elbow osteoarthritis

We have seen many patients over the years with problem elbows. We see some whose problems have extended beyond a tennis or golfer’s elbow problem, into one of osteoarthritis, and a recommendation for an elbow replacement surgery. Elbow replacement surgery is certainly not as popular as knee, hip and shoulder replacement, but it is performed

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JR Stem cell therapy and PRP for Whiplash associated disorders

In the more than 20 years we have been helping patients with their chronic pain, we have seen many people with hyper-extended neck injuries, or, in simpler terms whiplash injury. We have also seen patients who suffered from long-term effects of their whiplash injury until such time as they were diagnosed with Whiplash Associated Disorders

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JR Treating IT Band syndrome with Platelet Rich Plasma Injections

Knee pain is one of the most common problems we see at our institute. When it comes to a more active individual, there can be many knee pain causes. One possible cause is Iliotibial band syndrome or more often referred to as IT band syndrome. It is also commonly referred to by patients as “pain

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JR Research: Epidural steroid injection does not prevent surgery

Epidural steroid injections do not heal a bad back. Some researchers consider epidural steroid injections to be, at best, a very short-term painkiller that sometimes prevents a patient from getting the proper treatment for his/her back pain. The one thing that surgeons and regenerative medicine specialists agree on is the question being raised in the

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