Carrying a golf bag adds to neck and back pain

Some golfers like to get that extra bit of exercise of the course by not only walking the course, but carrying their own bags as well. However, carrying a 20-25 pound bag while walking a couple of miles over a course can cause significant chronic pain. In golfers much has been made about the golf

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JR PRP and stem cell therapy for TMJ and TMJ with neck pain

Over the years we have received our fair share of emails from patients seeking treatment for their TMJ. In many of these emails, the sender will describe to us osteoarthritis of the jaw that came as a result of a traumatic injury such as a jaw dislocation during a hockey game or a dislocation or

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Stem cell and PRP treatments for tendinopathy

I frequently see patients with an MRI of a tendon tear or an MRI of a problem of chronic tendinopathy. Tendinopathy is a more recent term to describe a chronic pathology of a tendon that causes pain. The problem of Tendinopathy can be It is divided into two broad categories: Tendinitis means inflammation of the

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PRP for Acne Scars

We are often asked, “Can you help with acne scars?” For many the answer is yes. We have seen many patients over the years with various levels and degrees of acne scaring who have benefitted from our PRP treatments. What are our PRP treatments and how do they work? First, I want to provide some

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PRP and Stem Cell Therapy for Slap Tears

Many emails that come in from this website, come from people asking about SLAP tear surgery. Some people want to know if they can avoid surgery. Some people are looking for options because they cannot get a SLAP tear surgery. Why can’t they get the surgery? Because their doctor/surgeon does not hold out good hope

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Stem Cell Therapy and PRP treatments for Patellar tendinopathy

Over the years we have seen a lot of people with knee problems. Many of them with problems of the patellar tendon. They have had many treatments including, cortisone, physical therapy, rest, some of the them wear big braces on their knees. They are doing a consult with me because they are still looking for

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Weight loss can be a knee replacement alternative treatment

Weight loss can protect you from the need for a knee replacement. This should not be news to you. People who are overweight understand that their arthritis related knee problems can be made worse because of their weight. The news you are probably looking for is a way to lose that weight. In the end

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