Stem Cell Therapy and PRP for sacroiliac joint dysfunction

Patients will often come into our office with an MRI, low back pain and a diagnosis of sacroiliac joint dysfunction. They are in our office because they may have been told that they should consider a surgical recommendation to spinal fusion. For many of these people, the MRI was the confirmation that their surgeon needed

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Systemic effects of cortisone injections including cartilage damage

Systemic and local side-effects of corticosteroid injections including joint destruction A patient will often come into our office with conflicting ideas about cortisone injections. The patient will tell us that his/her other doctors told them that cortisone injections are safe, effective, and will help their pain, if used sparingly. But, intuitively, the patient had doubts

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Is stem cell therapy a realistic treatment for pain after multiple spinal surgeries

We receive many emails from patients who have undergone numerous spinal procedures. These people are in continued pain and are looking for help. Because of the complexities of spinal surgery, especially in patients with numerous procedures, this question must be answered following a physical examination and consultation where realistic healing options can be discussed. When

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Alternative to spinal fusion surgery – Stem Cell Therapy and PRP

In our practice we often see patients who are in severe back pain. These people have an MRI, X-ray and/or scan that may show an inaccurate picture of what is causing their pain. What do I mean by inaccurate picture? The MRI cannot show muscle spasms from a simple back strain which can cause excruciating

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Back pain after spinal fusion could be post-surgical muscle damage

Many people have successful spinal surgery. Some do not. There are many reasons why someone will have a failed spinal surgery. One reason among the many causes can be the muscle damage caused by the fusion surgery itself. In a situation like this we would examine the spine and look for tenderness and weakness in

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Four case studies of low back pain treated with stem cell therapy

This is a Darrow Stem Cell Institute research article published in the Biomedical Journal of Scientific & Technical Research (BJSTR), July 2018. This article presents highlighted portions of that research. For the full article please visit this link. You can ask me your questions about bone marrow concentrate (stem cell) injections by using the form

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My MRI says I need back surgery. Can I avoid it?

As with other joint problems, I will often get emails that are simply an MRI report. The MRI tells me that the person has a disc herniation at L1 or L2 or L4 or L5. Then the report will describe varying degrees of degenerative disc disease. The email will end with “can you help?” That

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Stem cell therapy for spinal stenosis

I want to begin this article with two case studies we recently published research in the Biomedical Journal of Scientific & Technical Research.(1) The patient was a 77 year-old female with a 20-year history of lower back pain, which had progressed with age. The patient wore a back brace to attempt to reduce the stiffness

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Knee pain, back pain, and hip pain after knee replacement

In many patients that come into our office, there is a complexity of symptoms and pain in multiple joints. In one patient, for instance, it could be back pain, hip pain, and knee pain. In the patient history, we ask that patient if they have been recommended to any surgeries? Sometimes they will respond, “yes,

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