JR Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy | Meniscus Tear Injections

Even before it became more challenging to get a meniscus tear surgery, people contacted me to see if our treatments of platelet rich plasma therapy could help them avoid arthroscopic knee surgery. More questions came from the people who were told that they would need total removal of the meniscus or meniscectomy. I am going

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JR Do Opioids Cause Knee Replacement Complications?

One of the more frequent emails we receive is one from people with knee pain who may have had prolonged wait for a knee replacement and had a lot of pain issues. Because of the delay or wait in getting a knee replacement they have found themselves asking for and taking more medications until they

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JR Stem cell therapy, PRP or hyaluronic acid knee injections?

Many patients we see, have been researching their options in treating their chronic knee pain. These people come to see us because they are exploring non-surgical alternatives and have investigated various forms of regenerative medicine techniques. This includes the use of their own blood platelets as a healing solution, (more commonly referred to as Platelet Rich

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JR Platelet Rich Plasma Injections for knee osteoarthritis

While we do offer stem cell therapy for knee osteoarthritis, the focus of this article will be on Platelet-Rich Plasma Therapy. We receive many emails which ask which is the better treatment, stem cells or PRP? That answer comes best when explored on an individual basis, following a physical examination, and, when we have the

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JR Treating IT Band syndrome with Platelet Rich Plasma Injections

Knee pain is one of the most common problems we see at our institute. When it comes to a more active individual, there can be many knee pain causes. One possible cause is Iliotibial band syndrome or more often referred to as IT band syndrome. It is also commonly referred to by patients as “pain

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Biological knee replacement – Meniscal allograft transplantation – microfracture knee surgery

Biological knee replacement or knee reconstruction is a more recent term to describe the surgical procedure of combined meniscal allograft transplantation and surgical cartilage repair. It is recommended to patients with painful, meniscus-deficient knees and full-thickness cartilage damage. In the research we will examine below, some surgeons are questioning the value of these procedures. Also

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JR The meniscus tear in the golfer

I have written a few articles on this website on the subject of meniscus tears. In this article I want to more focus on the golfer and his/her meniscus tear. There is not much by way of research specific to meniscus tears in golfers. Most of the literature surrounding the knee in golfers relates to

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How long do stem cell treatments last?

When a patient comes into our office and we have made a realistic determination that they are a stem cell candidate, the patient will often ask, “How long does the stem cell treatment last?” Most times I will have a good idea why they are asking the question. The reason is because nothing they have

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