JR Stem cell therapy and PRP for Whiplash associated disorders

In the more than 20 years we have been helping patients with their chronic pain, we have seen many people with hyper-extended neck injuries, or, in simpler terms whiplash injury. We have also seen patients who suffered from long-term effects of their whiplash injury until such time as they were diagnosed with Whiplash Associated Disorders

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Carrying a golf bag adds to neck and back pain

Some golfers like to get that extra bit of exercise of the course by not only walking the course, but carrying their own bags as well. However, carrying a 20-25 pound bag while walking a couple of miles over a course can cause significant chronic pain. In golfers much has been made about the golf

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JR PRP and stem cell therapy for TMJ and TMJ with neck pain

Over the years we have received our fair share of emails from patients seeking treatment for their TMJ. In many of these emails, the sender will describe to us osteoarthritis of the jaw that came as a result of a traumatic injury such as a jaw dislocation during a hockey game or a dislocation or

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Can Stem Cell Therapy help you avoid neck surgery?

I regularly see patients who have been told by another doctor that they need a neck surgery to prevent the further degeneration of their cervical spine. Some of these patients are very frightened by what their doctor told them. Some were told that if their symptoms progress they could risk permanent damage to their ability

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Stem cell therapy and PRP injections for neck pain related migraines

Over the years we have seen many patients with problems and challenges related to migraine headaches. Of course the biggest challenge these new patients are facing was finding good, effective, long-term relief. Headache is a very complex subject. Headaches can be caused by many things. In my article here we will concentrate on the musculoskeletal

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Stem Cell Therapy for Cervical Spine and Neck Pain

Everyday we get many emails. Some of these emails concern neck pain. In many of these emails the person asking a question sends me their cervical neck MRI findings. That is all they send: A cut and paste of their MRI report. They never say what their pain is like, how this neck pain is

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